Friday, November 11, 2011

Comikaze @ the LA Convention Center - November 5, 2011

Comikaze @ LA Convention Center

Laser Eye Man and Harry Potter's Girlfriend

The new Lurch - Addams Family Movie

Batman and Wonder Woman - The Super Hero Band

Spy vs. Spy and Voodoo Women

Spy vs. Spy from Mad Magazine - My Favorite!

Electronic Mickey Mouse

Fez-O-Rama Booth

Dan Folger and Fans
Poison Ivy and Court Jester

Game Character Cutie
Star Trekk and Super Doze Man

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2nd and 3rd Shooting for Nicole Benitez Family Wedding - September 10, 2011

Indian Hills Golf Club, Riverside CA - Wedgewood Wedding Facility

I loved the way this came out SOOC - the leaf on the right started out on the left, the wind blew it over just before taking this shot making it even better.  I love it when it turns out like that.  Playing in the dirt for a great effect.....and I love it!  The tiger looks like he's looking right at you!

Clay's shot - I love it that he can get so creative and surprises me afterward viewing all our pics when we get home....Great job Clay!

I really don't know who put the bracelet on the top of the water fountain if it was Nicole or Clay.  But when I found it there, all I could think of was.....make it look great!

I can stare at this pic forever!  A new way of capturing an every day water fountain feature at a wedding.

Bride and Dad look soooo happy.....I love it when I capture my subject's true emotions in an instant like this one.

Another Clay creation - he just doesn't stop, finds ways to make a great pic once again!  I love the way he brought all three glasses filled with sand together to create this star burst effect reflection!

The Reception's colors were blue and black - it was challenging to capture the minimal amount of light coming from muti-light sources.  But we did it and made it look great!

The main table at the Reception.

The table flowers at the cake table - Clay's shot with his Cannon.  I love the way the Cannon makes everything look so sweet and soft.

Close up of the Cake - Clay on the Cannon, his composed photos complements the ones that I take of the same subject.  I love it when that happens!

Let's all eat Cake!  It was sooooo super dark in the Reception Room by the time they cut the cake that flash was used to capture this beauty!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Just for Fun

Self-Portrait (Reflective Surface) - f/9, 1/40 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  I found this reflective surface while visiting Catalina Island for the day.  You can see my husband carrying our snorkel gear as he's talking to someone we met.

A Couple Parasailing at Catalina Island (Perspective) - f/6.3, 1/640 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  This shot was taken from the Catalina Express boat on our way home.

Coming in for a Landing (Silhouette and Perspective) - f/6.3, 1/1250 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  I love the way that half the subject is in silhouette and the other half is in the bright blue sky!  Also taken from the express boat on the way home.

Birds Playing in the Water at Long Beach Harbor Dock early morning (Reflective Surface) - f/6.3, 1/1600 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  As I was waiting for the boat to take off for Catalina Island, I saw these birds playing in the water.

Walking the Dogs at Catalina, Island (Motion Blur) - f/9, 1/200 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  I saw these doggies and I couldn't resist.  I got some motion blur on the chocolate lab's left front paw.

Hibiscus Flower (Back Lit) - f/9, 1/100 Sec., 100 ISO, Comments:  I love taking pictures of Hibiscus Flowers and this was one I found on Catalina Island.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Natural Light Indoors

Still Life with natural light, natural reflectors, and using 400 ISO and below (Praying Mantis) - f/5.6; 1/125 Sec.; 320 ISO; Comments:  This is a Praying Mantis that showed up by my neighbor's front door the day before.  Then the next day, he showed up by my front door.  So I had two days' worth of pictures of him to choose from.  He's high up on the wall in the inside hallway walkway that is open to the sunlight.

Portrait image of an animal that utilizes window light and natural reflectors (Our Other Cat - Cinnamon) - f/10; 1/640 Sec.; H0.3 ISO (whatever that is; I forgot to lower it down from before); Comments:  When I came home from work, I found her at the sliding glass door window in between the vertical blinds.  And I thought that this was a perfect shot to share for this principle - I lucked out again!

Silhouette still life that uses the window as my brighter background (Swordfish) - f/5.6; 1/3200 Sec.; 1000 ISO; Comments:  This Swordfish is sitting on our living room coffee table up against the window sliding glass door with the white clothed chair sitting on our balcony as the backdrop.  We purchased this curio on our wedding honeymoon 14 years ago.  It also represents us going back to our honeymoon location of Catalina Island tomorrow for the day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Natural Light

Natural Reflector, Side Light, and Silhouette (Mayan Mask) - f/4.8; 1/20 Sec.; 3200 ISO; Comments:  This Mayan mask hangs in our living room; I thought this would make a nice shot combining the side window light with the natural wall reflector and side silhouette of the mask itself.

Back Lit Silhouette (Husband's Co-Worker and Wife at Company Picnic) - f/5.6; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  It was hard to get a really dark silhouette from a back light.  But I thought that this couple photographed well underneath the shade of this tree with the backdrop being much lighter.

Back Lit (Mom and Me) - f/4.5; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  I like the casualness of this candid shot at the company picnic this last weekend.

Front Lit of subject while shot taken from the side (Boy doing Limbo at Company Picnic) - f/8; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  Need I say more?  He started out way too early trying to fit underneath the limbo bar that he fell down when he got to it.

Natural Reflector (Boy on Jumper Taking a Break) - f/7.1; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  Taken with the telephoto lens from afar.  Caught the boy resting for like half a second; got lucky.  The yellow acts as a natural reflector to light up the rest of his face.

Side Lit (Harley - a two month old Golden Retriever) - f/4.5; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  In the shade with the light coming in from the right.  A very well behaved puppy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


C 230 Kompressor (SHAPES) - f/5.6, 1/100 Sec., 100 ISO - Comment:  I saw this opportunity the day before adjusted my settings for 1:00 p.m. daylight and this was the 2nd shot I took; I lucked out, yeah!

Our cat Tory @ couch (TEXTURE) - f/5, 1/3 Sec., 2000 ISO - Comment:  She posed for this one; I lucked out again!

Fire Hydrant close up (COLOR) - f/5.3, 1/30 Sec., 400 ISO - Comment:  I liked the color aspect.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shutter Speed

Tennis Ball thrown by Hand - Frozen Action - f/5.6, 1/1000 Sec., 200 ISO.  Comment:  Since my husband didn't want to run in front of the camera, I decided on tennis ball movement as the frozen action shot.

Living Room Ceiling Fan - Implied Motion - f/3.5, 1/60 Sec., 2000 ISO.  Comment:  Brooke's subject suggestion.

Moving Car - Panning - f/13, 1/60 Sec., 1600 ISO.  Comment:  This is a little overexposed, but I like the way the panning effect turned out.  I meant for it to be a frozen action shot, but didn't realize I was actually following the car with the camera until I saw it on my computer afterward.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Singular Theme - f/5.6, 1/320 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Singular Theme - f/11, 1/80 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Singular Theme - f/22, 1/60 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Who Cares - f/5.6, 1/20 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Who Cares - f/8, 1/13 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Who Cares - f/16, 1/3 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/5.6, 1/200 Sec., 800 ISO, 105 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/11, 1/200 Sec., 800 ISO, 38 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/22, 1/40 Sec., 800 ISO, 38 mm, Pattern