Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shutter Speed

Tennis Ball thrown by Hand - Frozen Action - f/5.6, 1/1000 Sec., 200 ISO.  Comment:  Since my husband didn't want to run in front of the camera, I decided on tennis ball movement as the frozen action shot.

Living Room Ceiling Fan - Implied Motion - f/3.5, 1/60 Sec., 2000 ISO.  Comment:  Brooke's subject suggestion.

Moving Car - Panning - f/13, 1/60 Sec., 1600 ISO.  Comment:  This is a little overexposed, but I like the way the panning effect turned out.  I meant for it to be a frozen action shot, but didn't realize I was actually following the car with the camera until I saw it on my computer afterward.

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