Saturday, September 3, 2011

Natural Light Indoors

Still Life with natural light, natural reflectors, and using 400 ISO and below (Praying Mantis) - f/5.6; 1/125 Sec.; 320 ISO; Comments:  This is a Praying Mantis that showed up by my neighbor's front door the day before.  Then the next day, he showed up by my front door.  So I had two days' worth of pictures of him to choose from.  He's high up on the wall in the inside hallway walkway that is open to the sunlight.

Portrait image of an animal that utilizes window light and natural reflectors (Our Other Cat - Cinnamon) - f/10; 1/640 Sec.; H0.3 ISO (whatever that is; I forgot to lower it down from before); Comments:  When I came home from work, I found her at the sliding glass door window in between the vertical blinds.  And I thought that this was a perfect shot to share for this principle - I lucked out again!

Silhouette still life that uses the window as my brighter background (Swordfish) - f/5.6; 1/3200 Sec.; 1000 ISO; Comments:  This Swordfish is sitting on our living room coffee table up against the window sliding glass door with the white clothed chair sitting on our balcony as the backdrop.  We purchased this curio on our wedding honeymoon 14 years ago.  It also represents us going back to our honeymoon location of Catalina Island tomorrow for the day!

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