Sunday, August 28, 2011

Natural Light

Natural Reflector, Side Light, and Silhouette (Mayan Mask) - f/4.8; 1/20 Sec.; 3200 ISO; Comments:  This Mayan mask hangs in our living room; I thought this would make a nice shot combining the side window light with the natural wall reflector and side silhouette of the mask itself.

Back Lit Silhouette (Husband's Co-Worker and Wife at Company Picnic) - f/5.6; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  It was hard to get a really dark silhouette from a back light.  But I thought that this couple photographed well underneath the shade of this tree with the backdrop being much lighter.

Back Lit (Mom and Me) - f/4.5; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  I like the casualness of this candid shot at the company picnic this last weekend.

Front Lit of subject while shot taken from the side (Boy doing Limbo at Company Picnic) - f/8; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  Need I say more?  He started out way too early trying to fit underneath the limbo bar that he fell down when he got to it.

Natural Reflector (Boy on Jumper Taking a Break) - f/7.1; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  Taken with the telephoto lens from afar.  Caught the boy resting for like half a second; got lucky.  The yellow acts as a natural reflector to light up the rest of his face.

Side Lit (Harley - a two month old Golden Retriever) - f/4.5; 1/200 Sec.; 160 ISO; Comments:  In the shade with the light coming in from the right.  A very well behaved puppy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


C 230 Kompressor (SHAPES) - f/5.6, 1/100 Sec., 100 ISO - Comment:  I saw this opportunity the day before adjusted my settings for 1:00 p.m. daylight and this was the 2nd shot I took; I lucked out, yeah!

Our cat Tory @ couch (TEXTURE) - f/5, 1/3 Sec., 2000 ISO - Comment:  She posed for this one; I lucked out again!

Fire Hydrant close up (COLOR) - f/5.3, 1/30 Sec., 400 ISO - Comment:  I liked the color aspect.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shutter Speed

Tennis Ball thrown by Hand - Frozen Action - f/5.6, 1/1000 Sec., 200 ISO.  Comment:  Since my husband didn't want to run in front of the camera, I decided on tennis ball movement as the frozen action shot.

Living Room Ceiling Fan - Implied Motion - f/3.5, 1/60 Sec., 2000 ISO.  Comment:  Brooke's subject suggestion.

Moving Car - Panning - f/13, 1/60 Sec., 1600 ISO.  Comment:  This is a little overexposed, but I like the way the panning effect turned out.  I meant for it to be a frozen action shot, but didn't realize I was actually following the car with the camera until I saw it on my computer afterward.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Singular Theme - f/5.6, 1/320 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Singular Theme - f/11, 1/80 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Singular Theme - f/22, 1/60 Sec., 200 ISO, 105 mm, Spot

Who Cares - f/5.6, 1/20 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Who Cares - f/8, 1/13 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Who Cares - f/16, 1/3 Sec., 200 ISO, 92 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/5.6, 1/200 Sec., 800 ISO, 105 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/11, 1/200 Sec., 800 ISO, 38 mm, Pattern

Storytelling - f/22, 1/40 Sec., 800 ISO, 38 mm, Pattern